Global parliament index

understanding electoral landscapes


In the ever-evolving landscape of politics, where information is key and strategies constantly adapt, staying ahead of the curve is essential for any comprehensive political insight. In this new study, the first of its kind, Arden Strategies is proud to announce the Global Parliament Index. The Global Parliament Index introduces a political map of the world reflecting the true balance of power across every country across the globe – and it should worry those who support democracy. 

This study provides a snapshot of the world’s political leanings, as over 2 billion voters elect leaders in forty countries, in an unprecedented number of elections in a single year. 

Analysing the alignment of every government in the world, this study assigns each country into one of ten categories based upon multiple factors including an analysis of each governing Party’s policy, manifesto, and record in government.

The global parliament

According to the findings of this study: 

  • In a global parliament, the largest political grouping would be the dictatorships with 303 seats, none of whom are elected in a democratic election.   
  • Each region has a mix of government types, although left-wing governments are more common in Latin America and right-wing governments more common in Europe.  
  • Even if every centre-right, centre-left and centrist government in the world entered an unlikely and very broad coalition, they would only just secure a majority, representing just over 50% of the world’s population and allocating 503 seats.    
  • As the Democrats are currently in power in the US, the majority of people living in Europe and North America are dominated by centre-left governments – a trend to watch in the upcoming US elections. 

Global Parliament Index 2024

This world map shows the government type in each of the world’s countries and the political alignment of its democracies on a scale from Populist Left through to Populist Right.

The Global Parliament

The study reflects the balance of political power across all governments aggregated into a single 1,000-member Global Parliament Index, with each MP representing about five million people. Where countries have smaller populations than the minimum number required per seat, they have been combined with other smaller countries that have the same government category. 

Navigate through where the world sits across the political spectrum by region using the arrows below. Vote shares can be viewed here.

The Democratic Global Parliament

The study reflects the balance of political power across democratic governments aggregated into a single 1,000-member Global Parliament Index, with each MP representing about five million people. Where countries have smaller populations than the minimum number required per seat, they have been combined with other smaller countries that have the same government category. 

Navigate through where the world’s democracies sit across the political spectrum by region using the arrows below. Vote shares can be viewed here.

The Global Parliament index walkthrough

Elections In 2024

In 2024, over 2 billion people across 40 countries, representing approximately 50% of the global GDP, will have the chance to elect a new leader. Updated on a quarterly basis, Arden’s Global Parliament Index will capture the results of each presidential and general election and provide insight on the direction in which the global population, living under a democratic government, is moving on the political spectrum.  

We at Arden appreciate the vast diverse political ideologies that exist across different countries. Defining what constitutes the various points across a political spectrum is an impractical task, particularly in an increasingly fragmented and polarised political atmosphere. However, with each significant election around the world, there emerges an opportunity to capture insight into the political state of the world at large.  

How much closer to the far-Right is Europe inching with each new election? What percentage of the world’s population is living under a Centre-Left or Centre-Right government? How will the unprecedented number of elections in 2024 effect where we sit on the global political spectrum? These are some of the questions that Arden’s Global Parliament Index is aimed at addressing. 

Additional Charts and Analysis

Spin the globe and zoom in to explore each country’s government type. Bubbles are sized by population
Click or rollover to view governments in detail or filter by global regions
Click to explore global regions in depth or filter by income level (World Bank data)


Arden’s Global Parliament Index is a tool which provides a comprehensive and dynamic approach to understanding political landscapes. Developed by our Global Services team of experts, this tool not only equips political professionals with insight into major political shifts, but also analyses these trends to reflect on how they are impacting policy today.  

At its core, the Global Parliament Index is an innovative, qualitative data-driven platform that aggregates and analyses an extensive array of political and demographic data points. The index allows users to explore and interpret political data with ease, transforming raw information into actionable intelligence. 

To find out more click here.

Our global services

The Arden team has advised almost thirty Presidents and Prime Ministers globally, and candidates on every continent have benefited from our support. 

We offer the full spectrum of election campaign services incorporating outstanding traditional campaign support alongside innovative digital communication and engagement strategies. 

In a world increasingly shaped by changing technology and greater geopolitical competition, our team are also experts and pre-empting and handling disinformation, protecting democratic institutions and building social cohesion. 

Contact ARDEN

For press enquiries please contact [email protected]. For all other enquiries please fill out the form below, and we will be in touch shortly.

By providing your information, you are agreeing that we can use it to contact you. For more information please see our privacy policy.

Democratic Global Parliament vote share detail: 

Political Spectrum Categories Seats Allocated Vote Share 
Populist or Authoritarian Left 374% 
Left Wing 13814% 
Centre-Left 228 23% 
Centrist 10811% 
Centrist Authoritarian 3 0% 
Centre-Right 40140% 
Right-Wing 3 3% 
Populist or Authoritarian Right 535% 


Central and Southern Asia (democracies) vote share detail:

Political Spectrum Categories Seats Allocated Vote Share 
Populist or Authoritarian Left 0 0% 
Left Wing 10711% 
Centre-Left 00% 
Centrist 0 0% 
Centrist Authoritarian 0 0% 
Centre-Right 89389% 
Right-Wing 0 0% 
Populist or Authoritarian Right 0 0% 


Eastern and South-Eastern Asia (democracies) vote share detail:

Political Spectrum Categories Seats Allocated Vote Share 
Populist or Authoritarian Left 0 0% 
Left Wing 0 0% 
Centre-Left 64164% 
Centrist 0 0% 
Centrist Authoritarian 0 0% 
Centre-Right 18519% 
Right-Wing 17417% 
Populist or Authoritarian Right 0 0% 


Europe and North America vote share detail:

Political Spectrum Categories Seats Allocated Vote Share 
Populist or Authoritarian Left 61% 
Left Wing 58 6% 
Centre-Left 522 52% 
Centrist 123 12% 
Centrist Authoritarian 0 0% 
Centre-Right 21321% 
Right-Wing 71% 
Populist or Authoritarian Right 72 7% 


Latin America and Caribbean vote share detail:

Political Spectrum Categories Seats Allocated Vote Share 
Populist or Authoritarian Left 26527% 
Left Wing 510 51% 
Centre-Left 323% 
Centrist 303% 
Centrist Authoritarian 0 0% 
Centre-Right 24 2% 
Right-Wing 646% 
Populist or Authoritarian Right 76 8% 


North Africa and Western Asia (democracies) vote share detail:

Political Spectrum Categories Seats Allocated Vote Share 
Populist or Authoritarian Left 182% 
Left Wing 22022% 
Centre-Left 141% 
Centrist 25726% 
Centrist Authoritarian 00% 
Centre-Right 273% 
Right-Wing 0 0% 
Populist or Authoritarian Right 46547% 


Oceania vote share detail:

Political Spectrum Categories Seats Allocated Vote Share 
Populist or Authoritarian Left 17 2% 
Left Wing 3 0% 
Centre-Left 83383% 
Centrist 20% 
Centrist Authoritarian 0 0% 
Centre-Right 146 15% 
Right-Wing 0 0% 
Populist or Authoritarian Right 0 0% 


Sub-Saharan Africa vote share detail:

Political Spectrum Categories Seats AllocatedVote Share
Populist or Authoritarian Left 273%
Left Wing 15115% 
Centre-Left 218 22% 
Centrist 37538% 
Centrist Authoritarian 141% 
Centre-Right 13113% 
Right-Wing 91%
Populist or Authoritarian Right747%

Global Parliament vote share detail: 

Political AlignmentSeats AllocatedVote Share
Populist or Authoritarian Left253%
Left Wing949%
Centrist Authoritarian20%
Populist or Authoritarian Right364%
Powerful Monarchic Systems141%

Central and Southern Asia vote share detail:

Political Spectrum CategoriesSeats AllocatedVote Share
Populist or Authoritarian Left00%
Left Wing00%
Centrist Authoritarian00%
Populist or Authoritarian Right00%
Powerful Monarchic System00%

East and South-East Asia vote share detail:

Political Spectrum CategoriesSeats AllocatedVote Share
Populist or Authoritarian Left00%
Left Wing00%
Centrist Authoritarian00%
Populist or Authoritarian Right00%
Powerful Monarchic Systems 00%

Europe and North America vote share detail:

Political Spectrum Categories Seats Allocated Vote Share 
Populist or Authoritarian Left 5 1% 
Left Wing 50 5% 
Centre-Left 450 45% 
Centrist 106 10% 
Centrist Authoritarian 0 0% 
Centre-Right 184 18% 
Right-Wing 6 1% 
Populist or Authoritarian Right 62 6% 
Powerful Monarchic Systems  0 0% 
Dictatorship 137 14% 

Latin America and Caribbean vote share detail:

Political Spectrum Categories Seats Allocated Vote Share 
Populist or Authoritarian Left 247 25% 
Left Wing 474 47% 
Centre-Left 29 3% 
Centrist 27 3% 
Centrist Authoritarian 0 0% 
Centre-Right 22 2% 
Right-Wing 60 6% 
Populist or Authoritarian Right 71 7% 
Powerful Monarchic Systems  0 0% 
Dictatorship 70 7% 


North Africa and Western Asia vote share detail:

Political Spectrum Categories Seats Allocated Vote Share 
Populist or Authoritarian Left 7 1% 
Left Wing 91 9% 
Centre-Left 61% 
Centrist Authoritarian00%
Centre-Right 111% 
Right-Wing 0 0% 
Populist or Authoritarian Right 192 19% 
Powerful Monarchic Systems  210 21% 
Dictatorship 37738% 


Oceania vote share detail:

Political Spectrum CategoriesSeats AllocatedVote Share
Populist or Authoritarian Left172%
Left Wing30%
Centrist Authoritarian00%
Populist or Authoritarian Right00%
Powerful Monarchic Systems 20%

Sub-Saharan Africa vote share detail:

Political Spectrum CategoriesSeats AllocatedVote Share
Populist or Authoritarian Left232%
Left Wing12613% 
Centrist Authoritarian121%
Populist or Authoritarian Right636%
Powerful Monarchic Systems 10%

The research and methodology behind the Global Parliament Index strive for objectivity and balance. Critiqued through an external informal peer review as well as the consultation of an internal advisory team, the Index comprises expert knowledge from a wide range of political perspectives in its assessment. The precise allocation of governments to each of the categories is a science as well as an art, and on occasion our team of experts have applied judgement where a governing Party has complex or multiple identities. 

The study analyses the political alignment of the national rather than devolved or State governments in each nation around the world.  The category allocated to each governing political party is based on a unique method which considers multiple factors including international and regional political affiliation, political and economic policies, international political engagement and a historical context of the party’s platform. 

Arden’s Global Parliament Index uses recognised world regions established in the SDG framework of the United Nations. Arden’s political spectrum category is provided alongside other indices such as the Freedom House Democracy Index ratings in order to capture a well-rounded snapshot of the state of democracy across each state

The states excluded from this study include the following:

Burkina Faso
Central African Republic
Equatorial Guinea
North Korea
Republic of the Congo
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates

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Please note that as our lounge is inside the secure zone and you need a conference pass to attend these events. 

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We have a limited number of two and four person tables available to reserve in our lounge. Our conference lounge is the most prestigious lounge at Labour Party Conference venue, and is the ideal space for your informal meetings.

Please note that due to high demand for this space, bookings are limited to one table per person per day. If you would like to make additional reservations please contact your account manager or email [email protected]

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